Are you ready for change with ZEUS® HR Management?

In the ever-changing world we live in today, where organisations are constantly evolving and growing, the challenges faced by HR Management remain consistent. Change is a certainty and the expectations placed on modern HR departments only continue to rise. It is vital for HR departments to adapt, be efficient and well-organised in this dynamic environment.

The management of employee information, document handling, as well as supporting process management now require more innovative solutions than ever before. With ZEUS® HR Management, you can easily access all necessary information and documents needed for your HR tasks at any given time. The Personnel management presents your employees' data in an organised manner according to organisational units or other criteria that best suit your needs.

User-friendly options for sorting and filtering allow for quick targeted searches while automatically displaying when each document was last modified. By utilising the digital personnel file, you can effortlessly stay organised and save valuable time on administrative duties. All ZEUS® Workforce Management modules rely on a central database system.

ZEUS® HR Management provides practical guidance for creating employee profiles with ease whilst ensuring proper storage of personal documents along with timely reminders about important deadlines such as performance reviews or end-of-probation periods. From recruitment right through to an employee's departure, ZEUS® HR Management streamlines all aspects of human resource operations.

By incorporating ZEUS® HR Management into the mix alongside Workforce Management functions like Time Recording, Staff Scheduling and Corporate Security within one integrated platform creates a comprehensive ALL-IN-ONE solution tailored specifically for your HR department.

For more details regarding customised solution packages suited to your requirements please get in touch with your local ISGUS sales centre.