

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 1/28 ZEUSX PDC Report Booklet Version: 0.1 dtd. September 16, 2020 Note The company, ISGUS GmbH, claims protection by copyright for this documentation. No part of this documentation may be amended, extended or reproduced, or utilized in any form or by any means in infringement of other legitimate interests without the prior written permission of ISGUS.

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 2/28 Contents 1 General................................................................................................................................. 4 2 Sample reports relating to "Cost Centre Recording" ............................................................... 5 2.1 Cost centre analysis with staff................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Employee-related analysis with daily totals broken down by cost centres ............................ 6 2.3 Cost centre times broken down into the different time allocation and time types ............... 7 2.4 Employee data analysis with bookings and cost centre related premium hours ................... 8 2.5 Cost centre analysis with determination of personnel costs .................................................. 9 2.6 Employee data analysis grouped by organisation unit ......................................................... 10 2.7 Cost centre analysis with time and cost values expressed as percentages .......................... 11 2.8 Tabular and graphical analysis of cost centre times per calendar week............................... 12 2.9 Cost centre analysis with graphical visualization per month ................................................ 13 2.10 Tabular and graphical cost centre analysis ........................................................................... 14 3 Sample reports relating to "Job Costing" ............................................................................. 15 3.1 Project analysis with staff grouped by activities / work packages........................................ 15 3.2 Project analysis with cost calculation based on the hourly rate as defined for the work package.................................................................................................................................. 15 3.3 Target/Actual comparison report based on the target times of the work packages............ 16 4 Sample reports relating to “Production Data Capture (PDC)” ................................................ 17 4.1 Project analysis based on orders (components) and individual positions (activities) incl. PDC times and quantities.......................................................................................................................... 17 4.2 Project analysis with employee working times and quantities ............................................. 18 4.3 Project analysis with machine times ..................................................................................... 18 4.4 Project analysis with cost centre totals................................................................................. 19 4.5 Project analysis with breakdown reasons ............................................................................. 19 4.6 Costing analysis report .......................................................................................................... 20 5 Analyses based on data from “PDC information” ................................................................. 21 5.1 Example of an order analysis with KPI determination .......................................................... 21 5.2 Comparison of 3 production lines ......................................................................................... 22 5.3 Graphical comparison of daily values.................................................................................... 22 5.4 Graphical and tabular analysis of target and actual values for setup and production times per unit broken down into the individual order processing steps ........................................ 23 5.5 Graphical and tabular analysis of order positions differentiating between time types ....... 23 5.6 Graphical visualization of the OEE index over time referring to different cost centres / production lines..................................................................................................................... 24 5.7 Graphical visualization of order positions with key performance indicators ....................... 25 5.8 Graphical and tabular analysis of breakdown times and reasons......................................... 25

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 3/28 6 Print-out of pay slips and barcode lists ................................................................................ 26 6.1 Pay slip for project data recording with 2/5 Interleaved (I2of5) barcode ............................ 26 6.2 Pay slip for project data recording with QR code.................................................................. 27 7 Presence time ..................................................................................................................... 28 7.1 Comparison report – Presence time vs. booked PDC times.................................................. 28

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 4/28 1 General The present document contains a selection of sample PDC reports including standard reports reports extended resp. created with the Report Designer evaluations of PDC information graphical analyses created in Excel based on data retrieved from PDC information

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 5/28 2 Sample reports relating to "Cost Centre Recording" 2.1 Cost centre analysis with staff This report is grouped by cost centre and shows the employees' total time booked on the corresponding cost centre (CC) within the selected time range. Furthermore, it reveals the time total per cost centre and, at the bottom of the list, the grand total of all cost centre sub-totals. Cost centre analysis with staff

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 6/28 2.2 Employee-related analysis with daily totals broken down by cost centres For each employee, the time totals are shown per day and cost centre. Furthermore, you can view the daily totals of the PDC times that have been booked on cost centres. Additionally, the grand total of all times that have been booked on cost centres within the selected time range is shown in the Total values row at the bottom of the report. Employee-related analysis with daily totals

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 7/28 2.3 Cost centre times broken down into the different time allocation and time types This report shows the presence time per day (PDC gross) and the total time booked on the corresponding cost centre (PDC time). Depending on the type of time allocation, the PDC time value is calculated as the sum of the time allocated automatically plus the time allocated manually plus the actual PDC time booked. The column Idle time shows the presence times that have not been assigned to any cost centre. Employee-related analysis with time allocation & time type details

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 8/28 2.4 Employee data analysis with bookings and cost centre related premium hours The present report shows in detail the time value calculated for the relevant time range from (Time slice start) - to (Time) which has been determined either as PDC time or Premium hours value with reference to the corresponding cost centre. The evaluation is based on the premium hours definitions created for Time & Attendance and the settings in the corresponding PDC time slice definition. In the bottom line, you can view the total values with regard to the PDC time and the Premium hours accounts for the entire selected time range. Employee data analysis with bookings and premium hours

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 9/28 2.5 Cost centre analysis with determination of personnel costs This report shows the time totals (PDC time) per cost centre and employee as well as the applicable hourly rate taking into account any changes within the relevant output date range. Based on this data, the costs per employee as well as the total cost per cost centre are displayed, complemented by the grand total of personnel costs of all cost centres in the bottom line of the report. Cost centre analysis with personnel costs

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 10/28 2.6 Employee data analysis grouped by organisation unit This report is grouped by the employee’s organisation unit (OU) and shows the time totals (per employee) that have been booked on cost centres as well as the total time booked on cost centres. In the Total values line at the bottom of the report, you can view the grand total of all PDC times having been booked on cost centres with regard to the selected organisation units within the corresponding output time range. Cost centre analysis grouped by the employee’s OU

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 11/28 2.7 Cost centre analysis with time and cost values expressed as percentages This report is grouped by cost centres listing the cost and time totals per employee. Beside the cost and time totals per employee, the report contains two additional columns for the time and cost values expressed as percentages (%) of the cost centre’s total time (hours) resp. total cost (in €).

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 12/28 2.8 Tabular and graphical analysis of cost centre times per calendar week This report is based on a cost centre analysis with reference to a selected calendar week. The evaluation shows the weekly ACTUAL time totals per cost centre in a tabular form as well as in a graphical form, here as a bar chart. Cost centre analysis per calendar week

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 13/28 2.9 Cost centre analysis with graphical visualization per month This reports contains both a table and a graphical visualization of the result values. The table shows the PDC time totals per cost centre times based on the entire selected time period (here: 2 months), whereas the graphical visualization (bar chart) presents the corresponding cost centre times as coloured bars grouped by month. Cost centre analysis – 2 months with graphical evaluation

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 14/28 2.10 Tabular and graphical cost centre analysis The ACTUAL times per cost centre are shown in tabular form and as a bar graph for the selected time range. Tabular and graphical cost centre analysis

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 15/28 3 Sample reports relating to "Job Costing" 3.1 Project analysis with staff grouped by activities / work packages This evaluation delivers detailed information on a specific project listing the individual activities resp. work packages complemented by the date of performance, name and badge number of the corresponding employee and the allocated PDC time value. The bottom line contains the total project time accumulated over the specified time range for all involved employees. 3.2 Project analysis with cost calculation based on the hourly rate as defined for the work package Regardless of the employee’s hourly rate, the project costs are calculated based on the time spent on each work package and the corresponding hourly rate as previously defined per work package. The grand total corresponds to the sum of all work package related costs. The previously specified project’s offer price serves as reference value and is displayed in the report header. Project analysis with staff Project analysis with costs

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 16/28 3.3 Target/Actual comparison report based on the target times of the work packages The report shows both the work package specific target time as previously defined and the actual PDC times. The difference (Diff.) is calculated based on these two values. For all three columns, namely Working package target, PDC time and Diff., the corresponding grand total is shown in the Total values line informing about the total target time, total actual time and the total difference. Project analysis with target/actual comparison

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 17/28 4 Sample reports relating to “Production Data Capture (PDC)” 4.1 Project analysis based on orders (components) and individual positions (activities) incl. PDC times and quantities For evaluation purposes, the selected project is split into the different orders resp. components and the latter are additionally broken down into its individual positions (activities). The following values are determined and output per position: the actual PDC time as well as the good yield, rejects and rework quantities. Additionally, the report outputs the total PDC time as group total per order and, in the bottom line, the PDC time as grand total for the entire project. Project analysis based on orders (components) and positions (activities)

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 18/28 4.2 Project analysis with employee working times and quantities For each order position and employee, the PDC times and booked quantities of the respective employee are displayed in detail. The sum of the individual PDC times is output per order and in the bottom line as grand total for the entire project. 4.3 Project analysis with machine times This report shows for each position (activity) the machine(s) used, the corresponding PDC time and the booked quantity (Good yield). The sum of the individual PDC times is output per order and in the bottom line as grand total for the entire project. Project analysis with machines Project analysis with employees

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 19/28 4.4 Project analysis with cost centre totals This report shows the cost centre times and the corresponding good yield quantities per position (activity). The sum of the individual PDC times is output per order and in the bottom line as grand total for the entire project. 4.5 Project analysis with breakdown reasons This report outputs per position (activity) the corresponding employee name, booked PDC time as well as the corresponding good yield, rejects and rework quantities. Furthermore, breakdown times (if available) complemented by the associated breakdown reason are displayed. In rows containing breakdown reasons, the corresponding breakdown time is displayed in the PDC time column. The sum of the individual PDC times is output per order and in the bottom line as grand total for the entire project. Project analysis with cost centres Project analysis with breakdown reasons

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 20/28 4.6 Costing analysis report The report shows for each position the planned PDC target time, the actual PDC time as well as the target quantity (TQ) and the good yield quantity. The costing analysis is complemented by the values of the rejects and rework quantity. The sum of the individual PDC times is output per order and in the bottom line as grand total for the entire project. Project-related cost analysis

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 21/28 5 Analyses based on data from “PDC information” Possibility to analyse orders and determine key performance indicators (KPI) based on PDC data in accordance with the VDMA 66412-1 guideline [VDMA stands for the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association]. The evaluation results can be exported to Excel for subsequent processing of the data and creation of different user-specific list views. 5.1 Example of an order analysis with KPI determination Due to the table width, the output is split into two parts. The abbreviations used are based on the above-mentioned German VDMA guideline. For further details, please refer to the training document “ZEUSX_PDC_PDC information” (English version under preparation). Below screenshot shows the results of an in-depth analysis of various order positions incl. time and quantity values as well as the resulting key performance indicators.

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 22/28 5.2 Comparison of 3 production lines Below evaluation table contains the figures resulting from a comparison of three different production lines (each production line is defined as a cost centre). Each row corresponds to a specific production line and contains the following data for the selected time range: recorded time values (MUT = Main usage time / PCT = Processing time), recorded quantity values (GY = Good yield / RJQ = Rejects qty. / RWQ = Rework qty. / PQ = Produced qty.) as well as the resulting key performance indicators such as the quality rate or the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) index. 5.3 Graphical comparison of daily values This graphical analysis is based on the daily values of three different production lines with reference to calendar week 13.

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 23/28 5.4 Graphical and tabular analysis of target and actual values for setup and production times per unit broken down into the individual order processing steps 5.5 Graphical and tabular analysis of order positions differentiating between time types The different time values (times for transport / breakdown, setup and production) shown in the graphical analysis below are reported as percentages (%) and absolute values (in minutes).

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 24/28 5.6 Graphical visualization of the OEE index over time referring to different cost centres / production lines The relevant values (in %) of the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) index are calculated based on the available PDC data and grouped by day and cost centre / production line. The corresponding data can be exported to Excel and displayed as a line chart as shown below:

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 25/28 5.7 Graphical visualization of order positions with key performance indicators The most important key performance indicators expressed as a percentage per order position are displayed in a bar chart. 5.8 Graphical and tabular analysis of breakdown times and reasons Possibility to output the present breakdown reasons including the corresponding breakdown duration (in minutes) per day as a table. Additionally, the associated data is presented in a bar chart.

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 26/28 6 Print-out of pay slips and barcode lists The print-out option of pay slips and barcode lists is available for all modules, namely Cost Centre Recording, Job Costing and Production Data Capture (PDC). Furthermore, barcode lists can be generated based on master data, such as machines or cost centres. Data entry via barcode facilitates and accelerates error-free input of order parameters. 6.1 Pay slip for project data recording with 2/5 Interleaved (I2of5) barcode The barcode displayed/printed on the pay slip comprises data referring to the corresponding the projects, milestones and work packages. Coding is based on the standard 2/5 Interleaved code commonly used in the production area. Pay slip for project data recording

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 27/28 6.2 Pay slip for project data recording with QR code The QR code displayed/printed on the pay slip comprises data referring to the corresponding projects, milestones and work packages. Pay slips equipped with QR codes are ideally suited for project data recording via ZEUS® mobile. Pay slip for project data recording

ZEUSX_PDC_ Report_Booklet ISGUS GmbH Page 28/28 7 Presence time 7.1 Comparison report – Presence time vs. booked PDC times The report shown below includes the results of a comparison between the employee’s daily presence time and the associated PDC time booked on cost centres, orders, etc. – the booked PDC times correspond to the productive time. The Report Designer allows you to highlight possible differences between the daily presence time and the sum of the booked PDC times in colour, e. g. in red as shown below. Comparison between presence time and booked PDC times

Phone +49 7720 393-0 info@​isgus.​de www.​isgus.​de/en ISGUS GmbH Oberdorfstraße 18-22 78054 VillingenSchwenningen Germany DISCOVER THE FEATURES OF ZEUS® WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT IN OUR SHORT VIDEO CLIPS Workforce Management is on everyone’s lips. Whether start-up, medium-sized business or large corporation – companies consistently rely on digital tools for managing HR, time recording, staff scheduling or production data capture. Modern Workforce Management ensures a sustainable increase in effectiveness and productivity. Thanks to its custom scalability, ZEUS® Workforce Management guarantees long-term business success while improving competitiveness. 001E 0124 0FD 1l Subject to changes in the product range and technical modifications!