
Whether in our personal lives or in the business world, climate change and the importance of sustainability are omnipresent. For ISGUS, sustainability means that we are careful in our use of raw materials, energy and other treasures of the earth. We want to act as a pioneer by taking a step in the right direction every day. In order to reduce our ecological footprint, we have completely stopped printing our brochures and magazines on paper. Our brochures can be conveniently downloaded as PDF files from anywhere – a clear gain in terms of convenience for our customers. In this way, we have not only reduced our paper consumption, but also the emissions caused by transporting our brochures to the different locations of our distribution centres. The decision to fully digitise our media was an important step towards eliminating the printing of thousands of brochures and acting more sustainably. Our ISGUS IMPULS Digital webinar series minimises CO2 emissions for our participants and saves our own employees long journeys. Our participants can connect from anywhere – a must in today’s digital world. Furthermore, the installation of a photovoltaic system is clear evidence of ISGUS’ strong commitment towards sustainability and environmental protection. The system uses solar energy to generate clean and renewable energy. In this way, we not only reduce our own ecological footprint, but also contribute to minimising the consumption of fossil fuels. ZEUS® Workforce Management for more sustainability But we are not the only ones doing something for the environment – our customers too make a valuable contribution to sustainability by using ZEUS® Workforce Management. Our solution not only puts an end to the paperwork associated with traditional working time recording, it also means that holiday requests can be handled quickly and easily via intuitive workflows. Just one example of a wide range of workflow requests you can handle digitally. Finally, using our cloud solution allows you to save resources that would otherwise be required for an on-premise solution. A good way to further minimise the need for resources. ISGUS AND THE PATH TO MORE SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE: 9 ISGUS NEWS Edition 49 2024 T SHUE SNTEAWI NNAOB RI LMI TA YL