Working from home why not use our PC based clocking in system

Working from home is since the beginning of this year the standard to continue work compliant to corona regulations. Some in part-time, some in full-time. But it doesn’t matter where somebody is working, everybody needs to record their working hours. The possibility to clock at the terminal is eliminated in home office, but how else? Recording your working times via PC is the easiest solution, because you need it for your regular work as well.

Every employee receives a personal login which takes him directly to their personal ZEUS® system, where they can see exactly those areas that they are allowed to see through the organisational structure. So not only the personal bookings like working times, absences or overtimes can be viewed, but also scheduled absences of colleagues in a department. Ease of Use and a fast implementation process are further advantages. Through a https connection secured clocking is enabled. Next to time and attendance, managers additionally can do staff planning tasks or correct wrong bookings. Automatic workflows eliminate the need for additional calls or emails to inform the supervisor.


All functionalities of the ISGUS hardware terminals are available online at a PC with ZEUS®. IN/OUT bookings can be done or, if desired, home office can directly be selected. With the web-based time and attendance solution all current balances are available, a presence indicator board can be viewed and scheduled absences of colleagues are displayable. So you always know who, when and where somebody is working, even at home.

The PC based clocking solution is available on every web browser. So all employees are continuously part of the time management and not causing extra work for the HR department.